Donate Today — Healing4Heroes

Thank you for Considering a Donation to Healing4Heroes®!

Below are our donation options. For other sponsorship ideas, please email or call us.

Our Commitment to our Donors - we do not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any third-party organizations, nor do we send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations.







Humanitarian Hero-Gold Level

Sponsorship of one Veteran & Service Companion

Choose your own Donation Amount


Honor and Memorial Gifts

Donations of $100 or more to Healing4Heroes® can be a thoughtful way to recognize special milestones in the lives of loved ones or to remember the passing of a loved one or pet. When honoring someone with a gift to Healing4Heroes®, please include the name and address of the loved one you are honoring so we can send them a notification of your gift. When making a memorial gift, please include the name of the individual and the name and address of any family members you would like for us to notify and email us a picture and biography.

click here to submit info Needed for Dedications

Dedication in Memory of

Dedication in Honor of

Dedication on Behalf of

When you donate, you are helping a veteran begin his/her new life with a service companion. We are grateful for your donation and all donors will be included in our Healing4Heroes® newsletter which recognizes contributions made by you. Your donation saves TWO lives at once; a VET and a PET! Please note that we love donations of any amount. Even $5 can help to offset the costs associated with running a program like ours. No amount is ever too small (or large) to donate and we are grateful for each penny we get! All donations over $100.00 receive a beautiful one-of-a-kind thank you card that is handwritten.

Healing4Heroes® is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code and donations are tax-deductible. Letters for donations are sent out by February 1 of the year following the donation for tax purposes. Please consider supporting us in one or more of the following ways:

Donations in Memoriam: Donations over $100 can be placed In Memoriam. Please email us a copy of a picture and details you would like included in your online memorial. This can be a person or a pet that has passed on. Send an email to

Monetary Gifts: Click the DONATE buttons above or if you prefer, checks made payable to Healing4Heroes® may be sent to PO Box 2116, Peachtree City, GA 30269.  


Sponsor our Permanent Training Camp: A donation of $350,000 can provide us with funding to purchase land and build a training retreat location where we can help both veterans and service dogs. This would enable us to begin extensive training of the dogs prior to our veterans arriving and provide us with a location to house our veterans and hold more than only 4 classes per year!

Sponsor an Office / Caretaker’s lodging: A donation of $100,000 can provide us with the start of building permanent structures on the training camp.

Sponsor a Cabin: Piper LOVES little houses! A donation of $50,000 would purchase a cabin. Her dream is to have many of these on the acreage she wants to buy to house veterans when they come for retreats.  Each little house would house 1-2 veterans.

Sponsor a Training Class: A donation of $48,000 will fully fund 8 veterans and their dogs! We try to hold at least 4 classes a year.

Adopt a Veteran: A donation of $7,500 will fully sponsor one veteran and his dog for the life of the animal.

Adopt a Service Dog: A donation of $3,000 will help to sponsor a dog to become fully trained and vetted for a veteran.

Sponsor a Veterans Lodging: A donation of $1,500 will provide lodging for an out-of-town veteran so he can come to training class and receive his service dog.

Sponsor a Service Dog for a Year: A donation of $1,200 will care for a service dog for one year, providing his food and routine medical/preventative care. 

Sponsor the Head Trainer: A donation of $1,000 will help to offset the cost of our head trainer who provides unlimited access to services to all of our veterans for as long as they have a service dog.

Save a Service Dog Candidate: A donation of $750 will save the life of an abandoned, abused or neglected dog that is awaiting a savior in a local animal shelter. This cost covers the evaluation of the dog, vetting, spaying/neutering, boarding, and beginning evaluation and training. In the event these dogs are not successful as service dog candidates, they are placed in loving family homes.

Outfit a Battle Buddy: A donation of $500 will provide a veteran and his new service dog with all they need to be successful - a crate, collar, dog bed, 8-foot training leash, service dog vest and patches, dog bowl set, official Healing4Heroes® hand-painted bandana, treat bag and treats for a training class.

Sponsor Travel Costs for a Veteran: A donation of $300 can help to provide transportation to and from class for one veteran. Many of our veterans come from out of state and drive or fly in to attend class.

Name a Battle Buddy: A donation of $200 allows you naming rights of the dog of your choice!

Feed the Veterans: A donation of $150 will provide one lunch together during a training class for all 8 veterans (and Piper too!)

Breakfast for Volunteers: A donation of $100 will provide coffee and breakfast sandwiches for one morning of training for our volunteers. We rely heavily on volunteer assistant trainers during class.  Typically there are at least 8 per day per class.

Buy a Vest: A donation of $80 will provide a new service dog vest and a first set of patches to a lucky new battle buddy!

Feed a Vet: A donation of $75 will provide a day of meals for a veteran! All meal costs are incurred by the veterans while at training.

Feed a Pet: A donation of $50 will provide a service dog his first bag of dog food to start his new job off right!

If you would like more information on Healing4Heroes® please EMAIL us. We are a very small office and do not monitor phones in order to keep expenses down. Email is the best way to get in touch with us.

One man gives freely, yet gains even more.
— Proverbs 11:24-25